
Both research papers, experience papers and tool presentations are solicited. Papers describing novel applications and making significant research contributions are of particular interest. Contributions must be written in English, adhere to the Springer LNCS format, and be submitted through EasyChair (a link will be provided soon):

  1. Long papers (max. 10 pages): These contributions should address novel research ideas, challenging problems, or practical contributions in the domain of model-driven software evolution.
  2. Short papers (max. 6 pages):
    • Industrial feedback: industrial participants may contribute with experience or case studies about managing or putting into practice model-driven software evolution solutions in an industrial setting;
    • Position papers: young researchers may submit extended abstracts about their work in progress in the context of model-driven software evolution;
    • Visionary papers: these contributions take a visionary stance to the field describing long term ambitions, visionary technological advancements, paradig- matic changes and research agenda's. Note that the ideas presented must be clearly positioned, adequately thought out, and sufficiently documented.
    • Tool presentations: these submissions present (experience with) tools (which may be either research prototypes or commercial tools) that are fully/partially dedicated to supporting the evolution issues encountered in model based development.

The proceedings will be published on CEUR and will be available on this website since Sept 19, 2014. 

The submission page is now open and you can submit your paper at


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