The topics sollicited are :
Formalisms, theories, formal approaches, methods and languages for expressing and understanding model-driven software evolution.
(Co-)evolution and (co-)adaptation of models, meta-models and modeling languages; classification of (co-)evolution scenarios.
Coordination of models, meta-models.
Supporting processes and tools for managing model-driven evolution.
Transformation techniques for evolving models: restructuring, refactoring, migration, translation.
Traceability, verification/validation of evolving models and transformations.
Evolution of software architectures and architecture description languages.
- Evolution in the cloud-computing.
Runtime models and consistency validation; (in)consistency management.
Conformance checking, inconsistency management, synchronization, differencing, comparison, versioning, impact analysis of evolving models.
Analysis of model maintainability.
Development and maintenance processes for model consistency management.
Empirical studies.
Industrial needs, case-studies and experiences.